January 31, 2022

Inside This Issue

Applied Research

Matthew Drapkin, Northern Right Capital

Matthew Drapkin and Michael Kobrick of Northern Right Capital describe why they keep their field of play relatively narrow, why they have fewer activist positions than they did five years ago, what area they’re finding the most fertile for shorting, and why they see overlooked value in Boyd Gaming, Driven Brands, IAC/InterActiveCorp and Apollo Global.

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"The Best Is Yet To Come"

Mark Millsap, Foundation Resource Management

Foundation Resource Management’s Mark Millsap, Meredith Moll and Zach Riley explain how their strict value discipline has and has not evolved, why they’re not afraid to invest in even highly cyclical companies, why they recently parted ways with a long-time holding, and why they believe the shares of GrafTech, Intel and Glatfelter are mispriced.

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Businesslike Investing

Mitchell Scott, Choice Equities Capital Management

Mitchell Scott of Choice Equities Capital describes why he’s focused with individual investments on “winning over the medium term,” the area in which he’s spending more time looking for new ideas, why he thinks he’s been a better buyer than seller, and what he thinks the market is missing in Gypsum Management & Supply, Farmer Brothers and Identiv.

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A Fresh Look: Russell Napier

In search of clear-headed thinking in an increasingly muddled macroeconomic environment.
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Uncovering Value: W.R. Berkley

A recommendation to take advantage of a prospective, and long time coming, industry turn.
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Who's Behind VII?

John Heins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief
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John Heins co-founded Value Investor Media, Inc. in 2004 and since then has served as its President and as the Editor-in-Chief of Value Investor Insight. In 2016 he took on an additional role as a Professor of Value Investing at the University of Alabama and is now the Director of the university's C.T. and Kelley Fitzpatrick Center for Value Investing.