August 31, 2024

Inside This Issue

Value First

Ian Lance, Nick Purves, Redwheel

Redwheel’s Ian Lance, Nick Purves and Shaul Rosten describe why they take a low-valuation-first approach to sourcing new ideas, the industries they think investors today are unduly neglecting, why they don't shy away from cyclicality, and what they think the market is missing in Standard Chartered, Delta Air Lines, Lufthansa, Marks & Spencer and ITV.

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Treasure Hunt

Jeff O’Donohue, Starfort Capital

Jeff O’Donohue of Starfort Capital explains how he tries to differentiate his sourcing of ideas, the types of “niche and unglamorous” businesses that attract him, which countries he believes are offering up “outlier” low valuations, and why he sees mispriced value in Hanyang ENG, Nice Information & Telecommunication, Starts Corp. and AGF Management.

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Uncovering Value: Worthington Steel

Going beyond first impressions to uncover unrecognized upside in this unglamorous spinoff.
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Uncovering Value: PayPal

Looking to profit when the market's perception seems notably at odds with underlying reality.
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Editor's Letter

Finding commonality between investing and king-crab fishing in Alaska's Bering Sea.
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Who's Behind VII?

John Heins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief
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John Heins co-founded Value Investor Media, Inc. in 2004 and since then has served as its President and as the Editor-in-Chief of Value Investor Insight. In 2016 he took on an additional role as a Professor of Value Investing at the University of Alabama and is now the Director of the university's C.T. and Kelley Fitzpatrick Center for Value Investing.